Wednesday, 29 February 2012


Too much of anything is bad, but too much of good whiskey is barely enough – Mark Twain

One of my many hobbies is Whisky. On my 40th birthday Jacqueline organised a single malt Scotch Whisky tasting for birthday boy and his guests and this was the first time I learned about the different tastes and the areas of Scotland where Whisky is made. One thing I found out that evening was that the prize of the whiskies and my individual preferences do not necessary correspond.

For this blog I tried to list my whisky collection according to which I like the most but that turned out to be impossible because I have my favourites which are all good but at different times and in various situations. Moreover, Jacqueline and I, and some good friends of ours, went to a whisky-tasting event at the British High Commission Club one evening. Out of eight whiskys I guessed only one of them, which was the famous Laphroaig that Jacqueline and I enjoy some evenings while we are watching Sopranos…    

I never - or very rarely - drink whisky on my own but I am very much enjoying drinking it with good company. So if you are ever offered a whisky you are what I consider to be a very good friend indeed!

My current whisky collection.

Ardmore is one of my absolute favourite single malt whiskies. When I first got it I found it very peaty for my taste but I soon realised the fantastic taste of honey, caramel and nuts. The aftertaste is one of a kind. This bottle I got from my sister and brother in law, Lainey and Jo for Christmas. It is almost empty...

Another one of my absolute favorites is the Glenlivet Nàdurra 16 years old Speyside. I got to know this at Pocket’s house in Whitstable and I bought a bottle in the airport on my way back to Ghana.

Yet another nice Whisky is the Dalmore 12 year old Northern Highland. Like for many other whiskies ten minutes of air contact stimulate deeper aromas for this whisky. This bottle I got from my very good friend Brian aka Google.

I am not the biggest fan of Johnny Walker whiskies, which is the most common whisky among my friends from South Africa and in the diplomatic circle. Especially the Johnny Walker, Black Label is popular – maybe because it does not offend anyone. This particular one, however, is a bottle of Johnny Walker, Gold Label that I got from my friend Bret. I am sure that this will be a very smooth drink indeed and I am saving it for a special occasion. 

My Gordon & MacPhail Reserve from Imperial Distillery is more of a collector’s whisky than a drinking one!? It is a 58%vol Single Speyside Malt Scotch Whisky bottled in 2003. It is, however, undrinkable…

I ran into this Japanese whisky at the Accra Mall. New producers like Japan and Sweden now makes very good whiskies and I can definitely recommend this particular one.

I dropped my new MacBook on the floor last week and thus the activity will slow down a little until I have had it repaired L

1 comment:

  1. Hello, do you know where I can buy the whisky flavour map?
    Thanks in advance.
    Best regards,
